Sunday, September 13, 2009

Learning from our Experiences

I should have posted this at least a few days ago, but here it is nonetheless. As a two-part entry, I first want to focus on the most recent Mormon message. If you haven’t already, please watch the video below and think about how the events of September 11, 2001 changed your life…

When I first watched this video, I was touched by the experience of this man and began thinking about how the Atonement is the key to making changes in our lives. In his book The Continuous Atonement, Brad Wilcox explains the redeeming power of the Lord’s sacrifice: “A redeemer is one who changes us for the better, one who reforms and reshapes us” (68).

When we came down to this earth, the plan was (and still is) for us to return to our Heavenly Father, which has been made possible by the Atonement. However, it is more than just covering up our sins; it is a means by which we may make the necessary changes to improve ourselves to become like God. This makes the Atonement about human development, not just cleansing. What good is repentance if a change of heart is not had?

In his book, Brad Wilcox also writes, “A friend once told me, ‘Look, I’m a good person even though I don’t go to church.’ I agreed, but gently reminded him that his goodness wasn’t in question. He had already proven that in the premortal existence. This life is about becoming better’” (71).

I want to share my testimony of the incredible and infinite sacrifice of our Savior Jesus Christ and how it can help us to not only find forgiveness for our sins, but can also help us to wake up each morning better than we were the day before. As divine children of God, we have that capability, and I know this life was given to us so that we may prove to ourselves of our potential. We are here to learn and to grow from those experiences that teach us, becoming better and more like our Father in Heaven.

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